
I think I've started what I hope to be my first novel. Or maybe my first published novel? We'll see, it's very early stages right now, but the more I talk about it the more likely I am to get my arse in gear and do it. It's coming from the idea of one of the shorts I did this past month, called the Past. It ended up being a different story than what I had started out to write, but I like where it ended up and think it'll definitely work as a couple of books, probably better than as a short. So there might not be any mor shorts for a while, I want to try and make decent headway on this project.

Oh, and there's all the BNTA stuff too. Looks like things are very promising for it, we're really getting the ball rolling right now. Busy busy busy, but then I don't think I'd have it any other way.

This doesn't mean that the other book, the one I've been talking about forever, isn't going to happen. It just needs much more research than this new one, so it's on the back burner for now. But it'll happen, I'll be pissed with myself if it doesn't happen.

If anyone would like to read the couple shorts I've got finished right now, let me know. I've got them all saved on Google Docs. . .couple are a bit depressing, couple aren't too bad, but I feel much better about the two sci-fi ones I just finished (one of which has the basis for the novel).

Well, back to writing. . .or back to writing rather than blogging cos obviously technically blogging is writing, so I can't go back to it if I'm alread doing it, so. . .never mind. You know what I mean